A Monthly Giveaway For Teachers And Professors

Nominate a current or retired teacher or professor (including yourself) to win a free edition of The Spy Devils

Please enter your name and email below, so we can contact you if your entry wins, along with the name, address of the person you are submitting. You can also include a message as to why they should win and a photo of them.



I’m always looking for new authors.


I am a retired teacher who loves to read. My friends and I share books as well as make recommendations to each other.


Katie is a well loved AP English teacher who would love to have this for her classroom.


My daughter loves to read and is celebrating 20 years in the teaching profession. She teaches 6-7-8 grade art at Franklin Middle School in Wayne, MI.


I'm trying to expand my classroom library to have a wide variety of books to reach all kinds of readers. I buy frequently at thrift stores and order some from online, but it gets expensive.


Fred is a retired teacher who loves action novels. He’s former military and loves Iowa City. He always looks forward to a new Joe Goldberg book.


I am offering the first two books in the Spy Devils series for FREE on Kindle (11/8-11/12).

order My New Book

Bridger and the Spy Devils are on a mission of vengeance. But Bridger’s problem is determining who deserves their wrath.


In support of Devil’s Own Day I will be appearing on various media outlets. Hopefully, you will check the interviews..


I am now a guest host for "House of Mystery Radio on NBC” radio show and podcast hosted by Alan Warren.

Character Profiles

As I write characters, you never know what they are going to do - devilish, I know. Get to know them better.


Each month one of my direct email subscribers will win a FREE edition of The Spy Devils.

Reader Pics

If you’re reading my books, please consider taking a pic and sharing it with me. Check out other fan photos and submit your own.

Joe’s ExperiencE

Each month, I share a bit of my background. With my experience, I have some stories.

Joe’s Top-5

Each month, I post Top-5 Lists covering a variety of topics: books, movies, foods, etc. If you have a suggestion, let me know.

Joe Suggests

It was created to help people who needed assistance with reading for whatever reason.


Nominate a current or retired teacher or professor (including yourself) to win a FREE edition of The Spy Devils.

Joe’s Charities

Hopefully, you will take a moment to learn more about the charities I support and, maybe, help them out as well.