Character Profile: May (Currier) Hall

The Basics:

Age: 70’s

Gender: Female

Resembles: Sigourney Weaver

Parents: Frank and Colleen Currier

Early life: Born Lowell, Massachusetts.  Christened their only daughter Mayflower—May for short—so people would think they were descendants of Pilgrims. In reality, they were European immigrants. She spent her entire life repeating the story about her birth name and built a web of untruths around the total fabrication. Her ancestors had fought the Indians, one was a member of the Continental Congress, others were inventors, renowned doctors, or some other incredible person.

Education: Degree in education and minor in philosophy from the University of Lowell

Husband: Stanley Hall (deceased). CEO of a series of successful telecommunications and computer equipment companies—many he sold for hundreds of millions.

Children: Trowbridge (Bridger) Hall. Leader of the Spy Devils.


Personality & Interests: 

Occupation: Senior Advisor, Special Projects, to the Deputy Director of Operations

for the CIA. Creator (through her son Trowbridge) of the Spy Devils. HQ contact. TDY postings in Belgrade and Berlin. Deputy Chief of Station in Athens and Cairo. Chief of Station in Madrid, Buenos Aires, Paris, and Seoul.

Expertise: Global espionage. Tradecraft.

Strengths: Resourceful. Loyal. Creative. Nurturing. Persuasive. Ruthless. Unflappable. Patient. Brilliant. Aggressive. Visionary. Aloof. Bold initiatives, high risk/high reward operations.

Weakness: Can be temperamental. Stoic. Single-mindedness.

Dislikes: The entrenched male-dominated culture of the CIA. The Press. Congressional Oversight and politicians in general. Enemies of the USA.

Desires: A strong intelligence community. A closer relationship with her son.

Hobbies: Gardening. Tea.